Agenzia Valparaiso
Via Tarvisio, 122
33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine)
Tel: +39.0431.428681
Fax: +39.0431.428820
1. The lodging is available for occupation between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm on the day of arrival
2. The lodging must be vacated by 9:00 am on the day of departure
3. The booking, to be binding toward the agency, is subordinated to the payment of the account, which is the 30% of the whole rental amount
4. The flat is rented only for tourist purposes and with the renter will be lodged maximum n. _____ guests. The flat mustn't be rented by a number of people higher than the one above reported.
5. Sub-letting and extra guests are forbidden. When extra guests occupy the apartment the tourist organization has the right to withdraw the contract.
6. For accounting reasons the balance of the rest is to be effected by the client on his arrival, before receiving the keys.
7. For organizing reasons the flat can be handed to the client only between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm on the day of arrival and it must be vacated by 9:00 am on the day of departure.
8. The renter has to inform the agency about defects and damage of the flat and its furnishings within 24 hours after having received the keys.
9. Should the Agency not be informed of what reported on the previous stipulation, the client can be charged for the damage found out at the moment of his departure..
10. From the renter's deposit (if requested) will be deducted at the moment of its restitution the necessary sum of money needed to repair the damages of the flat or furnishings by himself caused..
11. The client must leave the flat in order, clean and free of every sort of rubbish; otherwise the necessary amount for the final cleanings will be taken from the security deposit.
12. The price of the common amount of gas, hot and cold water, electricity (excluded the use of air conditioner), fees and commissions will be charged to the tourist organization. The use of private air conditioners or heating systems is not allowed.
13. Animals (dogs, cats and so on) are not allowed, unless otherwise agreed.
14. The agency is allowed to check the flat at any time it should be necessary or opportune.
15. In case of a delayed arrival the client must inform the agency per registered letter or telegram.
16. Should the agency not be informed of what reported on the previous stipulation, the client is considered renouncer and the lodging will be considered vacant. In this case the agency is allowed to make use of the flat by 8:00 pm on the following day of the fixed arrival date.
17. In case of cancellation more than 30 days before the beginning of the occupation, there will be a refund of 50% of the deposit (pre-payment) or a discount of 100% of the deposit (pre-payment) which can be used the same year or the following one. In case of cancellation less than 30 days before the beginning of the occupation, there will be no refund of the deposit.
18. The tourist organization does not assume any kind of responsibility for any missing objects and precious goods or money that the tenant has kept in the lodging.
19. Even if only one of the above mentioned articles and clauses shouldn't be observed, the Agency can back down the contract without repaying the rent and with the reserve to require the payment for higher damages.
20. Any booking alteration as well as any modification of this booking form, to be valid, needs a writing approval by the agency.
21. What not reported on this contract remits its parties to the provisions of the civil code and however to the laws in force and local customs.